Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Teacher training program on CCCM in Oman

Seward Inc. Awarded Teacher Training Project in Oman

Project focuses on the application of child-centered classroom methods at Sultan Qaboos University

Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 9, 2009 - Seward Incorporated has been awarded a contract with Creative Associates International, Inc. to institutionalize the Child Centered Classroom Methodology (CCCM) at various Ministry of Higher Education’s (MOHE) pre-service training institutions in Oman. The contract is funded by the US Department of State’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). Creative and Seward will partner with Sultan Qaboos University to create a complete, self-contained CCCM training program that is based on a fully developed and locally accepted curriculum. The program will be developed in close collaboration with the MEPI-funded CCCM in-service training program at the Ministry of Education (MOE).
The training will build on several years of CCCM work undertaken by Creative Associates in partnership with the Ministry of Education as part of earlier MEPI projects. The goal of the new pre-service training activity is to educate new teacher education students enrolled in SQU, and ultimately all teacher training programs in Oman, on CCCM. The training will provide teacher candidates with the skills they need to apply CCCM in classroom settings as they become teachers.
Seward will design the CCCM training so it can be easily integrated into Oman's teacher education system. A gradual transfer of full responsibility for the CCCM program to SQU faculty will take place over the life of the MEPI-funded project.


  1. I think it is a step in the right way. We need such projects and it is necessary to begin training teachers so that they get the skills needed to apply the CCCM in our schools.

    M. al Zeidi.

  2. Issa:

    I agree with you Mohammed. Training teachers on the CCCM is the key to have effective teachers who are able to successfully apply the CCCM method in the classroom. Added to it is the fact that the CCCM is a new method to teachers here in Oman so without training they will feel ignorant. They might start trying their own ways to implement it and this will make their efforts go in despair. Therefore, training is a very important step in implementing the CCCM in Oman.

  3. I totally agree with you. It is really very important to train teachers on the CCCM. Because without training them this will make implementing the CCCM in oman difficult and with suboptimal results !

    A. AL Saadi

  4. Yes, I all together agree that teachers should be trained in this sector beacuse that would certainly pave the way to apply the cccM in our country.............


  5. I am completely convinced that such a project would change the educational system in the Sultanate once it becomes to reality. We urgently need trained faculty to be able to apply the new strategy of the CCCM properly in our educational institutions.Added to that, we should take for granted that when we have trained faculty who are able to apply the CCCM in classrooms we will reap the benefit of the CCCM instantly.
    Ghanim Al-Alawi

  6. It is very successful project. however , it would be better if students in college of education would have coujrses on how to impelment the CCCM in teaching, so that they would apply immidiately after they graduate.
    A al Siyabi.
