Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The importance of Child Centered learning

The Importance of Child-Centered Learning

A Student-Focused Approach to Education

Students Lead Their own Learning - Rebecca Hersh
Students Lead Their own Learning - Rebecca Hersh

Child-centered education allows young students to initiate their own learning. It focuses on the whole child and emphasizes both cognitive and emotional development. Child-centered learning is founded on the principals of key child psychologists and educational researchers including John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky.

Children Initiate Their Learning

In a child-centered classroom, children initiate their own learning by choosing activities that interest them. They work in a more independent way to discover their potential in unique ways. Additionally, child-centered learning allows students to work in ways that complement their various learning styles. As Howard Gardner proved through his research, children learn in many different ways and no one method is suited for all students in a classroom.

Learning Through Play

Naturally, a child-centered classroom will include a lot of learning through play. For this reason, it is more common to see this form of education instituted at the early-childhood level. By play-learning with peers, social development happens more readily. Additionally, emotional growth is heightened in a child-centered atmosphere where self-confidence and emotional expression are encouraged.

Teachers in a child-centered classroom act as “facilitators.” They assist students in learning without providing direct instruction. The teacher’s ultimate role is to help provide structure and order within the class while allowing each student to explore his or her own potential.

Child-Centered Teaching

Just as teaching is different in a child-centered educational format, so too is the structure of a classroom. In order to facilitate all students’ skills and interests, educators may distribute students differently. For example, some child-centered schools divide students into “learning communities” and/or use multi-age groupings. More elective choices are also made available in such settings.
Additionally, assessment methods must be tailored to student projects. This requires the use of flexible rubrics and other informal, adaptable testing methods.Effectiveness of Child-Centered Education
The 1997 High-Scope Preschool Curriculum Comparison Study, the 1983 Louisville Head Start Study, and the 1983 University of Illinois Study have indicated that child-centered learning during early childhood produces greater long-term results than traditional programs. These studies also show that child-centered learning produces significant social and emotional developments.
When what is being taught is relevant to the student, he or she is more likely to retain information and participate in the learning experience. Thus, child-centered education has the potential to reach more learners and teach students more effectively.
Additionally, the ever-changing role of the teacher makes his or her job more dynamic and interesting. This encourages continued professional growth. Ultimately, such educational models are ideal both for young children and even older students and will likely become more popular as schools continue to look at ways to close the achievement gap.


  1. I want to add that When students are involved in such activities, they generate their own knowledge as well as gather knowledge from books and the teacher.

  2. Learning through games is an activity in which participants follow prescribed rules that differ from the rules in the real life. It encourages the cooperation process between the students as they try to win the game.
    A. al Siyabi.

  3. Also there are many advantages of using games in learning. for instance, it is an attractive way of learning that the student will react to and encouraged him to actively participate in the learning process. Moreover, it encourages the student to build up his novelty.
    These are some but of course there are more.

    M. al Zeidi.

  4. Issa:
    I believe that one important advantage of the CCCM is the fact that it encourages students to initiate and monitor their own learning. Instead of relying on the teacher, the children are encouraged to be active and seek the knowledge by themselves. This, I think, is going to create a new generation of students who don't need others to tell what they should do. The students, therefore, will be smarter and more hard working than they are in the traditional learning.

  5. I loved this new technique of children learning which obviously will develop the initiatives and the skills of the children. For me it's like understanding the children mind and their way of thinking which will open the opportunities for the right choice for them. Moreover, it will give the fun atmosphere which children love at their age stage.


  6. I believe child-centered learning will be useful for the child only at the beginning of their childhood stage because it will help them to make the right choices of their interest. When they become adults, I prefer the normal way of learning because they need to be guided by formal facilities and organization so they can reach their goals.


  7. I believe that the strategy of child-centered learning will be a step forward to make the educational process efficient in the Sultanate once it applied. Through this strategy the student is no longer passive because he/she would be the core of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Through the previous educational system, the child was marginalized because the teacher was responsible for every thing including explaining the material, engaging the students in the discussion and preparing the material.This kind of learning creates an atmosphere in which the student doesn't fell interested in the subject.However, with this new methodology student feel that they are very much engaged in the discussion. They also feel that they have the opportunity to express their ideas and to participate to the material being discussed. The CCCM-based learning creates a kind of cooperative spirit among students because they almost participate in the all activities that take place in the class room and they work together.

  8. I believe that the strategy of child-centered learning will be a step forward to make the educational process efficient in the Sultanate once it applied. Through this strategy the student is no longer passive because he/she would be the core of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Through the previous educational system, the child was marginalized because the teacher was responsible for every thing including explaining the material, engaging the students in the discussion and preparing the material. This kind of learning creates an atmosphere in which the student doesn't fell interested in the subject. However, with this new methodology student feel that they are very much engaged in the discussion. They also feel that they have the opportunity to express their ideas and to participate to the material being discussed. The CCCM-based learning creates a kind of cooperative spirit among students because they almost participate in the all activities that take place in the class room and they work together.
    Ghanim Al-Alawi

  9. That is really what we want !! instead of old methods of education in which the students play a passive role. However I would like to emphasize that the teachers should be will trained to optimize the results from this method

    A. AL Saadi

  10. the training part has been discussed in another topic in this blog in which we stressed its vital importance. Nonetheless, I agree with you that students play a passive role in the current traditional way of teaching that is used nowadays in our schools. This is one of the main reasons that should be considered for moving to the CCCM method.that should be considered for moving to the CCCM method.


  11. instinctively, the child like to play particularly within a group, so the strategy of the CCCM would provide the child with the opportunity to enjoy playing with his/her peers and acquire knowledge at the same time.This kind of learning where playing and learning are mixed can be described as a kind of recreation.It is proven that this kind of learning is appealing to the child and it does benefit the child too.
    Ghanim Al-Alawi
